A Bunch Of Stuff You Don't Care About™

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Welcome to The Dumpster, the place on this website where I put stuff I can't think an specific page to put in. Don't get it? Well, just think a bunch of random shit I felt like putting in this site thrown into a single page. Pretty stupid right? Yeah, I know.

I've been wanting to make this page for ages since I always have ideas for things to write about here, but the thing is I don't have a clue of a possible page to put it in. But now The Dumpster's here to save the day!... for me, at least. Maybe you aren't interested in the junk I put here. That's alright. Some of them really are kinda silly.

Anyway, here's a sort of list with all the links to the content here. It's basically a bunch of lil' article pages with me rambling about something random (or not idk). Some of them may be really short, others may be the Bible 2. Some of them might be developed and perfected for days, others may have been made in 5 minutes. Some of them might even be deleted. But I'll try to avoid that.

My love for Godspeed You! Black Emperor's F#A#∞ / Castanets' Cathedral