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FAITH, The Unholy Trinity


So I finally did the true ending. For some reason I reached the final boss and then went on a long hiatus of playing the game, but now I just completed it, and wow. This was an absoluteley AMAZING experience.

This game does horror in a really unique way. Not sure if I can have much conviction saying that because I don't play lots of horror games, but I think the way it created tension with its graphics and sound design was really good. The cutscenes were also a big plus, they're awesome.

One criticism I have is that you can't skip cutscenes even after you beat the chapter, which I found a bit annoying when replaying since some of the cutscenes tend to get long, specially on chapter three. But that's about it really.

I love, love, LOVE this game's soundtrack. Specially Candy Tunnel and I AM BEYOND. The former was absolutely perfect for the level, the way some of the sounds trick you into thinking something's creeping up behind you. A lot of other songs do that and it scared the hell outta me a lot of times lol

Good ass game. New Blood can never miss. Speaking of them, I'm probably gonna do a review of DUSK's HD Models that are coming out tomorrow.